I am always so touched by the support and when people choose to fundraise for Little Troopers is brings such a smile, we're a really small charity compared to other military charities and every single penny counts, we support so many thousands in so many locations we try as hard as possible to make every pound stretch as far as possible.
For a charity to buy places for the London Marathon is hundreds of pounds per place so we've never been in a position to have any so this really was fantastic for Becky to have got a ballot place an even more so she chose us!!! You can apply for a 2017 ballot place HERE 2-6th May 2016 you need to enter.
24th April 2016 was London Marathon Day and I kept a track of Beckys progress all day online and posting updates on social media, it was just so fantastic to have someone running those 26 miles wearing a Little Trooper running vest, I felt so so proud.
Becky totally smashed the run and her donation target and her sponsorship has gone over £900, her account of the experience is one everyone should read and I've posted it below.
But from me, what a special lady to be our first ever London Marathon runner, thank you soooooo much Becky.
Louise xxxx
So, I did it!!
Everything from my waist down hurts and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to manage at work but I am so proud of myself for getting through it and finishing in 5 hrs 26 minutes and 26 seconds - which included a wee stop at mile 19!!
The whole experience was completely overwhelming, no matter how many people tell you about the amazing crowd support and how important it is to have your name on your vest, you cannot imagine what it is going to be like until you are there.
The sweets from random strangers that keep you going (especially the jelly tots from he hot fireman!!). The guys running in full chain mail, a giant dinosaur costume or with a tumble dryer on his back. The hundreds of different charities on people's vests. The other runners that you chat to along the way. Running past the Cutty Sark. Stopping for a hug from Mike Thompson and the boys at mile 12 which was already 4 miles further than I'd ever run in one go. Crossing Tower bridge. Coughing and nearly wee-ing a bit at mile 16! Having someone shout 'nearly there' just after mile 16 and having the mental discipline to not go over a me punch them when there's still 10 miles to go. Texting the husband during a planned walk break to ask why on earth I ever though it was a good idea to run a marathon. Passing a guy at mile 19 dressed as Jesus, carrying a cross on his back in bare feet. Being passed by a Rhino, Womble and Darth Vader. The pats on the back and arms round the shoulders from other runners to check that during walk breaks I was ok. Thinking that you can't run another step but realising that it's quicker than walking to the end and everything hurts anyway. Seeing Tom and the boys again at mile 25 when you know that you really are 'nearly there'. Running through the park towards Buckingham palace and then turning the corner onto The Mall. The girl called Hannah at the 26 mile marker that saw me walking and told me to finish it running with her. Crossing the finish line with one finger in the air in a salute to #oneinamillion
I want to thank all of you for your amazing support and sponsorship over the last few weeks and know just how much good it can do for Little Troopers, but most of all I need to that the great British public, without them I would I never have got round.
At mile 20 I said never again. In only a few hours I decided that I have no intention of ever running a marathon again, unless it is London.
Anybody else who wants to sponsor me can at https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/beckythomps